glow up dreams explored one style at a time

Best Of Spring Nails...

planning winter in europe outfits

Bhalo silk secretary blouse / Tiffany Kunz reclaimed bronze Plume hoops / faux fur stole gifted by grandma / vintage white trousers / Matt & Nat satchel

Bhalo silk secretary blouse / Tiffany Kunz reclaimed bronze Plume hoops / faux fur stole gifted by grandma / vintage white trousers / Matt & Nat satchel

Honestly never thought I would dare venture into 70s fashion territory. Newly addicted to vintage again, and lacking my Rachel Zoe Project fix (season just ended, sigh), I decided to give it a try. Result? Well, you tell me. But the boy said I look like a flight attendant. Hmmphh. Men, they know nothing and everything all at once. *As featured on IFB.


  1. such a gorgeous vintage look Leti! X

  2. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Love, Love, Love, everything!! gorg!

  3. LOVE this look!!! You captured the best of the 70s vibe here.

    1. Ah thanks Judy! Means allot on my first try haha

  4. Replies
    1. Why thanks! So glad you stopped by. Love the blog. Hope to cross paths in the city soon.

  5. You look fabulous! Like a flight attendant exploring Europe between flights around the world?

  6. Anonymous7:39 PM

    I love that outfit! I'm not usually a fan of white pants/jeans but you styled it very nicely.

  7. I don't care how hot it is, I always love a good fur or leather vest to complete a look. Perfect!

  8. A successful experiment in fashion, clearly because those pants really highlight feminine curves. :D


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Letitia is the author of FashionFingers, the luxe lifestyle blog for daydreaming fellow glow up gals who love soft girl era living, beautiful countrysides, and magical quality of life. Here you'll receive style inspo lists + guides, Europe travel tips, digital nomad working life advice & living in Europe as an American stories. Welcome!